Monday, August 25, 2008

Sputnik-5 r16

Whew! Lots of progress was made over this weekend!

Some improvements added in r16:
  • Big UI enhancement: the diagonal UI, plus colored blocks that can be picked up and used by the player to construct objects.
  • Blocks from the UI are replaced as you use them, but no longer pile up when you move them again.
Also, the loggit() function works really great, and I'm thinking I'll even leave it in for the actual game.

A friend on IRC told me about about the A-Star Search Algorithm, which will be extremely helpful for when I add the component consolidation function, as well as for when I build component functionality logic into the engine (say, making sure a conduit that carries water blocks is watertight). Thanks for that, Feeder74.

I also sat down and thought out what sort of functionality I needed from that algorithm... Here are my thoughts on the matter:

That's all for now!

- Alex

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